I Want to Know My Genomics Roadmap


Using your genomics allows us to create a truly personalized total nutrition plan that harmonizes your genes with your lifestyle to create the optimal health you desire. Your genes can help us find answers to some of your health mysteries and help us know which questions we need to be asking to support foundational healing. Here’s why I use genomics in my practice:

  • Your genetic makeup informs your health capacity.

  • Your health choices inform how your genetic code is read and there’s so much we can do about choices.

  • The differences that you notice between yourself and others are the culmination of all your life exposures (your exposome), your genetic information (your genome), and the diet and lifestyle choices that you (and your ancestors) have made.


I use a tool called 3x4 Genomics, along with your health history and biomarkers, to guide my recommendations to support your health goals.

How will this genomics report help me, help you?

I am all about showing, not telling, so you can take a look at what a sample report looks like here:

  • We can learn about how your unique genetic makeup impacts various pathways that are modifiable with diet and lifestyle changes. The pathways include:

    • Cellular pathways: inflammation, methylation, detoxification, oxidative stress

    • Nutrient pathways: vitamins, minerals, fats, caffeine, salt, gluten

    • Activity pathways: power, endurance, injury, recovery

    • Energy pathways: appetite, body composition, exercise response, fat storage

    • Cardiovascular pathways: blood pressure, blood clotting, cholesterol, vascular health

    • Systems pathways: histamine, hormones, cognition, mood, glucose, bone, joints

      Your personal genomic roadmap will help us look for the upstream causes of the symptoms you may be experiencing and can help us know how to support your genes to prevent symptoms from occurring.


What can you expect?

  • An initial 1 hour appointment to establish your care, order the 3x4 Genetics test, order any additional tests, and define health goals.

  • Follow up appointments to begin working on general lifestyle changes, as needed.

  • Once we receive your genomics report, we will meet again for 1 hour to begin discussing the highest priority pathways and develop a total nutrition plan.

  • Follow-up frequency and duration will be determined based on your unique needs and goals.